BA Helper


updated Tue Feb 25 23:54:19 EST 2014



Returns the number of agents currently in the region


!tp sim name

Attempts to teleport you to the defined sim. Supports only FULL sim names.


!inrange range

Will list the agents in specified range


!lindex L$

Will attempt to convert the L$ into USD at the current market rate


!sim sim name

Attempts to provide information about the defined sim. Supports only FULL sim names.


!map sim name

Attempts to provide a map destination to the defined sim. Supports only FULL sim names.



Will list all items in the inventory. Basically, all possible rezzable items.


The dynamic rez engine allows for easy rezzing of any item from inventory.

Command Format

!rez [items] [people] (options)


Items can be a single item or list of items to be rezzed on each person. Counts can be set per inventory item, to allow rezzing of multiple objects. Partial inventory names are supported.


People can be a single avatar name or a list of people. Partial avatar names is supported. Will search for display name or username.


A list of options are supported, some that take arguments and others that do not. No spaces are used between the option and it's value.

  1. :: - allows sending a packet of data to the rezzed object, supports individual items, lists, and json (if represented in a list).
  2. :@ - allows for rezzing at an offset from rez point, accepts an argument vector.
  3. :l - will attempt to rez the object on top of where the camera is pointing at (will silently fail and revert to default) Powered by Raycast
  4. :o - adds owner as a target without having to type your name
  5. :c - sets rez position at camera position
  6. :^ - attempts to rez the object on top of another avatar, default is owner
  7. :% - sets the target list to all agents in the region
  8. :# - appends a NULL target to the list of targets
  9. :f - allows enabling and disabling of flags on prim setup
    1. supported [!]phy[sical], [!]pha[ntom], [!]tmp/tem[porary]
    2. accepts partial wording on flag names, ! is used to denote NOT or OFF
      • ex. !rez rocket bin :f[!tmp]
      • will rez a rocket and disable temporary
  10. :0 - will not send a start command to the object, useful for rezzing out of inventory to work on an object


  1. !rez [rocket*5,prox*3] [binary,avatar]

    Will rez 5 rockets and 3 proxy mines on avatars matching the names binary or avatar.

  2. !rez rocke*5 binary

    Will rez 5 rockets on avatars matching the name binary.

preloaded objects

The HUD comes preloaded with a bunch of objects. They are not required and can be deleted as desired. Here is a list of what is included and a brief explanation about functionality. None of the objects are preloaded with any form of damage.



Will give a link to this web page.


!mem or !uptime

Will compile a list of statistics about your device.


!end (item)

Will remove rezzed inventory in world. Accepts a filter; will remove all if no filter is passed. Supports multiple filters.


  1. !end
  2. !end npv
  3. !end npv party rocket


!endav avatar

Will remove all items targeted towards that avatar. Accepts partial username or displayname. Argument is not option.

Script Information

!sc names/all

Will attempt to provide a script profile for the following avatar names. Supports partial names seperated by spaces. Also supports the ALL wildcard, which will return up to 50 avatars. If there are more than 50 avatars in the region, this function will fail to prevent script crash.



Self explanatory.

Estate Manager Functions


!ban avatar

Will attempt to ban the avatar from the estate. Provides dialog confirmation. Only works with agents currently in the sim.

Remote Ban

!remoteban avatar

Will attempt to ban the avatar from the estate. Provides dialog confirmation. Only supports FULL avatar name.


!unban avatar

Will attempt to unban the avatar from the estate. Only supports FULL avatar name.


!kick avatar

Will attempt to teleport the avatar to their home. Only works with agents currently in the sim.


!unsit avatar

Will attempt to unsit the avatar from their seat. Only works with agents currently in the sim.