Console 1
Console 2

Info Log:  


5/9/19 Added Visual Diagram with Optional Classic Mode
5/10/19 Added Progress Counter And Reset Button. Syntax- if multiple of the same symbol is used on accident, it will not throw an error. (Example Putting in 1##2# should be treated as 1#2)
5/10/19 Added Double Callouts Option (Default OFF) This will reduce Console 2 callouts by 50%. Determined by your progress history, possible solutions will be filtered by completed ones, automatically showing the only unused solution. Also added tooltips with icons.
5/11/19 Added speedmode (console 3 support), celebration, saves your settings, and open history. Turn on void configuration speedmode and reduce double callouts for the quickest solutions yet. (Requires Console 1 dial 1 & 2 and Console 3 dial 1) Total of 3 inputs required.
5/13/19 Finished Dial Mode. Instead of using your keyboard or virtual numpad you can now click on the number represented by the in-game dials. This will likely speed up the process even further. UNDO DIAL removes the last input. RESET clears all inputs. X turns off dial mode. Turn back on under special features.
5/14/19 Added Arc Configuration and Arc Speedmode. (regular uses consoles 1 & 2) (speedmode uses console 1 & left dial of console 3) & Safari Scroll Fix 5/15/19 Added Vault Map for configurations.
5/21/19 Added Solar Configuration & Speedmode & Vault Map. Final Work is finished for this program. I hope you all enjoy it. Special thanks to the 8,000 people who have used this program. Makes the work worthwhile.

Vault Entrance Map


Void Configuration This is the standard configuration for void week! This will accept console 1 and console 2's input and provide a solution as a color coded image and text.

Void Configuration Speed Mode This is the void configuration using Console 1 and the first number of Console 3. (Left Dial Only) This allows for a faster input experience requiring only 3 numbers. This will accept console 1 and console 3's input and provide a solution as a color coded image and text.

Arc Configuration This is the standard configuration for arc week! This will accept console 1 and console 2's input and provide a solution as a color coded image and text.

Arc Configuration Speed Mode This is the arc configuration using Console 1 and the first number of Console 3. (Left Dial Only) This allows for a faster input experience requiring only 3 numbers. This will accept console 1 and console 3's input and provide a solution as a color coded image and text.

Solar Configuration This is the standard configuration for solar week! This will accept console 1 and console 2's input and provide a solution as a color coded image and text.

Solar Configuration Speed Mode This is the solar configuration using Console 1 and the first number of Console 2. (Left Dial Only) This allows for a faster input experience requiring only 3 numbers. This will accept console 1 and console 2's input and provide a solution as a color coded image and text.

Special Features:

Reset Progress Counter This will reset your progress counter and history if you start a new run. This is necessary for the Reduce Double Callouts option.

Reduce Double Callouts OFF If ON, This will cut the amount of second console callouts by 50%. This is achieved by ignoring the other possible solutions that you've already put in your history. This could potentially give the wrong solution IF you put in the wrong callout and don't use the undo button for your progress counter. In other words, for people that know what they are doing.

Open History  This will open your progress and show all of the sequence history you have done up to this point.

Switch To Dial Mode OFF This will switch to dial inputs instead of text boxes.

Switch To Classic? YES

Input the console numbers separated by a space, asterisk, pound sign, period, or dash. Then hit "Go" "Next" whatever you have on mobile or enter key on desktop. This will tell you to put in the second console or give the solution immediately. Instead of using the input boxes, you can also use dial mode. Dial mode will automatically enter the numbers that you click on from the dial image. All numbers, colors, and charts are being referenced -HERE- & -HERE- & -HERE-
Shoutout to everyone who worked on these solutions.


If you want to see the tool matched up with video watch this:
If you want to see a full guide on void configuration check out Ninja Pups:
He has a simplified version of that video here:

Datto's Void Configuration Guide:

Created by Cheese Forever aka Pastuleo23